Sunday, February 26, 2012

entschuldigung mittenand!! (ATT: Inappropriate language warning)

sälü... So sorry everyone that I kind of took this blog for granted and haven't really done much updating at all. Needless to say my swiss german as of now hasn't improved much from my last post of 6 months ago, although I just got back from CH this evening and learned a few new phrases which I would like to share with you all. One phrase is, well, a curse, so just be aware and please don't get offended! It's kind of nice to sometimes learn the things that people don't tell you in school :)

So for starters, I learned that the popular phrase in german "bis bald" which means "see you soon" in swiss german is "bis när."

So a really helpful phrase which I have known for a while is "I know" and "I don't know." This small phrase can get you pretty far, trust me. So in high german it's "Ich Weiss" but in swiss german it is "i weis," which is pronounced like e, as in e like the letter e, like in the word "he" and then vase, like the same way you say face. Then it is "i weis nid" for "ich weiss nicht" which is "I don't know."

Oh I also learned the difference between the words "einzig" which means "only" and the word "eisig" which is "ice..." although in high german you can also just say "eis."

Oh and for the grand finale..... a curse! So as I am sure most of you are familiar with the phrase "verpiss dich" which means "go fuck yourself." Well the suisse twist on that is instead "fick di is chnöi," which directly translates to "fuck yourself in the knee," but it really just means "fuck off!"

So I hope you enjoying my small random ramblings and hopefully I can keep this up a bit. I have been thinking about taking an actual high german language course to further my studies, so we will see how that will affect my bärndütsch...

TSCHUSS (Which means bye, like ciao by the way)

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